Get to know some of my history
Approved at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Medicine
The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) is one of the centers of excellence in education and research in the country and in Latin America.
In 2015, the QS World University Rankings ranked UFRJ as the best Brazilian federal university, as well as the third best university in the country, the fifth among Latin American institutions and the 25th best university institution of the BRICS. The University Ranking of Folha de São Paulo in 2016 also ranked it as the best brazilian university and the best federal university in the country. In addition, UFRJ is also the first official higher education institution in Brazil, having had uninterrupted activities since 1792.
On July 9, 2018, when I accessed my email, I've discovered that, with my grade obtained in ENEM (brazilian universities entrance exam) of 2017, I was approved to study Medicine at the largest university in Brazil and in one of the most well evaluated medical courses of Brazil, the National School of Medicine (the first graduation course in Brazil, with more than 210 years of existence), at the UFRJ campus in the university city located on the Island of Fundão, in Rio de Janeiro.
Approved at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Law
The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) is one of the centers of excellence in education and research in the country and in Latin America.
In 2015, the QS World University Rankings ranked UFRJ as the best Brazilian federal university, as well as the third best university in the country, the fifth among Latin American institutions and the 25th best university institution of the BRICS. The University Ranking of Folha de São Paulo in 2016 also ranked it as the best brazilian university and the best federal university in the country. In addition, UFRJ is also the first official higher education institution in Brazil, having had uninterrupted activities since 1792.
On June 19, 2018, when I accessed my email, I've discovered that, with my grade obtained in ENEM (brazilian universities entrance exam) of 2017, I was approved at 1st position to study Law at the largest university in Brazil and in one of the most well evaluated law courses of Brazil, the National School of Law, at the UFRJ campus in the university city located on the Island of Fundão, in Rio de Janeiro.
Full scholarship - Estácio de Sá University - Medicine
Estácio de Sá University (UNESA) is a brazilian private higher education institution founded in 1970 in the Rio Comprido neighborhood, in the central zone of Rio de Janeiro, as a law school. The institution has 70 campuses, with more than 220 thousand students, with 129,733 thousand students of presential courses and 77,717 thousand students of distance learning courses, according to research done in 2016. It is present in 20 states and in the Federal District.
In July 2018, when I accessed the PROUNI portal, I discovered that, through my grade obtained at the ENEM (brazilian universities entrance exam) in 2017, I was awarded a full scholarship to study Medicine at a excellence education institution, the UNESA, on the João Uchoa campus located in the city of Rio de Janeiro.
Full scholarship - University of Grande Rio - Medicine
The University of Grande Rio (Unigranrio), is a private Brazilian university, with campuses located in the municipality of Duque de Caxias and in the neighboorhood of Barra da Tijuca in the city of Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil. Currently it has four Campi: Jardim 25 de Agosto (in Duque de Caxias), Lapa (in the city of Rio de Janeiro), Silva Jardim and Magé, in addition to 8 units: Rio de Janeiro - Barra da Tijuca, Campos dos Goytacazes , Rio de Janeiro - Carioca Shopping, Duque de Caxias - COCA (Colégio Casimiro de Abreu), Ely Combat (Colégio Duque de Caxias), Macaé, Santa Cruz da Serra, São João de Meriti and Nova Iguaçu. The medicine course stands out and becomes one of the most popular among private universities in the state of Rio de Janeiro. In 2009, Unigranrio won the title of the second best private university in the state of Rio de Janeiro.
In July 2018, when I accessed the PROUNI portal, I discovered that, through my grade obtained in the ENEM (brazilian universities entrance exam) of 2017, I was awarded a full scholarship to study medicine at a excellence education institution, the Unigranrio, at the Barra da Tijuca campus located in the city of Rio de Janeiro.
86th position in XIX Brazilian Olympiad of Informatics among 1251 participants
The Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) announced the accomplishment of the XIX Brazilian Olympiad of Informatics (OBI 2017), a competition organized in the structure of the other brazilian scientific olympiads such as of Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy. The objective of OBI is to awaken in students an interest in an important science in basic education nowadays (in this case, computer science) through an activity that involves challenge, ingenuity and a healthy dose of competition. The OBI organization is headed by the Computing Institute of University of Campinas (UNICAMP).
After the state qualifying stage that took place at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, I was classified for the national stage of OBI, where I reached the 86th out of 1251 participants with my result.
Approved at Federal Contest of the School of Sailor Apprentices of Brazilian Navy
Navy of Brazil (MB) is the branch of the Armed Forces of Brazil responsible for conducting naval operations. The Brazilian Navy is the largest in South America and Latin America, as well as being the second largest navy in America, after the United States Navy.
The Schools of Sailor Apprentices are the gateway for those who claim to be part of the brazilian Navy. While on the course, the student is considered a cabin crew and upon graduation becomes a sailor. The career begins at sailor, followed by corporal, third sergeant, second sergeant, first sergeant and sub-official.
On November 24, 2017, when I accessed the website of the Navy of Brazil, I discovered that, through my grade obtained in the contest, I was approved in the technical area of eletroelectronics in the 191st position among 29,261 registered candidates.
2nd position individual in the Hackathon of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
For more than 48 hours, UFRJ students studied the university's problems in order to propose, with the development of tools, new solutions. This is the spirit of Hackathon UFRJ, a programming marathon in which the participants produce services that are able to help in the routine of the university life. The event, promoted by the Electronic Engineering and Computing, was held at the Technology Center (CT) between the 8/29/2017 and the 8/31/2017.
Among the three winning projects were apps such as the "Projeto Hermes", which ranked first and proposed greater integration between the units, enhancing communication and the dissemination of events; the application "Se liga aê" (project produced by me during the 48 hours), second place, that brought a systematization of the vacancies of courses, opportunities, events and distribution of certificates, and, thirdly, "Juice", an application that allows to follow the academic life in a more intuitive way through graphs of the disciplines already studied and other functionalities. The projects will be discussed by the university and can be put into practice.
Graduated in English through YES! Idiomas course
4 years ago the brand YES! Idiomas, with the mission to awaken in students the curiosity, inquiry and interaction during the learning of English and Spanish, was born offering a modern and progressive teaching methodology, to form citizens who want to master new languages and are interested in learning new cultures, to conquest, gain new opportunities and make a difference.
In 2015 I entered one of the modalities of YES! Idiomas, Young & Adults, which has a total duration of 3 and a half years (divided into 7 semesters). At the beginning of the course, I had to take a level test, once after the conclusion of my 1st semester, it was observed that my previous knowledge of english was well above the first level of the course. After leveling, I was directed to the 4th semester class of Young & Adults, the "Action 1". I obtained "Excellent" (the maximum grade of the course) average at all levels I attended, and graduated at the end of the first half of 2017 when I finished the "Leadership 2" level.
Approved at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Computer Science
The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) is one of the centers of excellence in education and research in the country and in Latin America.
In 2015, the QS World University Rankings ranked UFRJ as the best Brazilian federal university, as well as the third best university in the country, the fifth among Latin American institutions and the 25th best university institution of the BRICS. The University Ranking of Folha de São Paulo in 2016 also ranked it as the best brazilian university and the best federal university in the country. In addition, UFRJ is also the first official higher education institution in Brazil, having had uninterrupted activities since 1792.
On February 21, 2017, when I accessed my email, I've discovered that, with my grade obtained in ENEM (brazilian universities entrance exam) of 2016, I was approved to study computer science at the largest university in Brazil and in the most well evaluated course of computer science of Latin America, at the UFRJ campus in the university city located on the Island of Fundão, in Rio de Janeiro.
Full scholarship in any undergraduate course of Castelo Branco University and Honorable Mention at the Hackathon "Castelo de Soluções" at the Castelo Branco University
Castelo Branco University (UCB) is a brazilian higher education institution localized in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Its main campus is located in the Realengo neighboorhood in Rio de Janeiro. In addition, there are four other campuses in the neighborhoods of Centro, Guadalupe, Penha and Recreio dos Bandeirantes, all of them in Rio de Janeiro. And it was on the campus of the Center where the first Hackathon of the university happened. Hackathon "Castelo de Soluções" is a challenge for engineers, programmers, designers, health professionals and education, whose goal is to develop solutions that bring benefits in the area of health and prevention of diseases and domestic accidents.
It was 48 hours of work, fun and especially a lot of learning. My group decided to work on the "Care" app that aimed to help treat childhood obesity as part of a Distance Learning (EAD) approach, re-educating parents about their children's food health and allowing them to "hack" of children's nutrive lifes. In the end, not being awarded the top three, my group was called by the organizers who explained that because we worked in a different place from the other groups, we could not be among the first 3 deserved and therefore, they would create a honorable mention award to reward my group for the work produced, in addition, integral scholarships in any course of the Castelo Branco University were also offered to my group.
Approved at Fluminense Federal University - Computer Science
The Fluminense Federal University (UFF) is a public higher education institution located in Niterói, in the State of Rio de Janeiro. It is considered one of the main centers of excellence in Brazil, occupying 9th position in the ranking of the Center for World University Rankings of the best universities in the country. UFF is among the top 15 universities in Latin America. According to the 2009 Higher Education Census, carried out by the Ministry of Education, the UFF became the sixteenth largest university in Brazil, the sixth largest public university and the third largest federal university in the country.
On Jnauary 30, 2017, when I accessed my email, I've discovered that, with my grade obtained in ENEM (brazilian universities entrance exam) of 2016, I was approved to study computer science at one of the best universities in Brazi, at UFF headquarter campus located in Niterói, in Rio de Janeiro.
Full scholarship - Veiga de Almeida University - Computer Science
The Veiga de Almeida University (UVA) is a private Brazilian higher education institution located in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Cabo Frio, both located in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The Veiga de Almeida University (UVA) has as its mission to train professionals, offering quality education, stimulate and develop research and promote extension activities relevant to the community, thus contributing to the full formation of the citizen, grounded in an entrepreneurial culture and principles humanist, ethical and democratic. In addition, the UVA was also evaluated with concept 4 (in a note ranging from 1 to 5) in the Institutional Concept (CI) of the Ministry of Education (MEC) since 2009.
In February 2017, when I accessed the PROUNI portal, I discovered that, through my grade obtained in the ENEM (brazilian universities entrance exam) of 2016, I was awarded a full scholarship to study computer science at a excellence education institution, the UVA, at the Tijuca campus located in the city of Rio de Janeiro.
Full scholarship - Veiga de Almeida University - Computer Engineering
The Veiga de Almeida University (UVA) is a private Brazilian higher education institution located in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Cabo Frio, both located in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The Veiga de Almeida University (UVA) has as its mission to train professionals, offering quality education, stimulate and develop research and promote extension activities relevant to the community, thus contributing to the full formation of the citizen, grounded in an entrepreneurial culture and principles humanist, ethical and democratic. In addition, the UVA was also evaluated with concept 4 (in a note ranging from 1 to 5) in the Institutional Concept (CI) of the Ministry of Education (MEC) since 2009.
In February 2017, when I accessed the PROUNI portal, I discovered that, through my grade obtained in the ENEM (brazilian universities entrance exam) of 2016, I was awarded a full scholarship to study computer engineering at a excellence education institution, the UVA, at the Tijuca campus located in the city of Rio de Janeiro.
1st position in hackathon of the multinational company MJV Technology & Innovation
MJV Technology & Innovation is a company with more than 2 decades of tradition in the field of innovation and technology. Headquartered in Rio de Janeiro, MJV Technology & Innovation is a multidisciplinary company with more than 300 professionals specializing in the construction of innovative solutions. Currently, MJV Technology & Innovation is already present in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, London, Atlanta and Houston.
At the end of the year 2015, the students of the José Leite Lopes State High School were invited to a Hackathon that would happen in the headquarter of Rio de Janeiro. The theme of this hackathon was about creating a way for teenagers to make money during school holidays. My group was the 1st place winner and awarded a complete Arduido kit (control and automation kit) for the creation of the "SEASONS" mobile app.
2nd general position in student business game of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation
The Student Entrepreneurial Game (JEMPES), which is administered by Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) and the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (EBAPE), is an activity that aims to simulate the real management of companies from various sectors of the fictional market of the game in looking for get success.
It is divided into two parts, the first part being disputed only by students of a school (in my case, José Leite Lopes State High School) in the school premises, and the second, with the winners of the first part, being played in the Getúlio Vargas Foundation in Botafogo/RJ and among all the colleges that participate in JEMPES. In the final, acting as supplier in the game, my duo finished 2nd overall among all the groups in the game and we were awarded a certificate from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation and the Brazilian School of Public Administration and Business.
Approved (in the entrance exam) and graduated Programming technician of Digital Games at José Leite Lopes State High School - NAVE
The José Leite Lopes State High School, located in Tijuca, in the north zone of Rio de Janeiro, is the "rare jewel" of the Education Department of the State of Rio de Janeiro. The vocational school in technology is the result of a partnership between the State Secretariat for Education (SEEDUC) and the Oi Futuro Institute. In 2009, the school unit was chosen by Microsoft as one of the 32 most innovative schools in the world.
The José Leite Lopes State High School, which integrates the NAVE (Advanced Nucleus in Education) project, works full time and offers multimedia courses, digital media script and digital games programming. The courses integrated to high school have duration of three years.
In 2013, after do the objective entrance exam with the an essay of the contest of CEPERJ (which had a competition of more than 400 candidates per vacancy) with the objective of get a vacancy in the José Leite Lopes High School - NAVE, I was approved at the school where I studied the 3 years of high school (Jan/2014 - Dec/2016) and the digital games programming course offered at NAVE in a partnership between the Oi Futuro and CESAR companies.
Approved at State Technical High School Ferreira Viana - FAETEC (Technical course on buildings)
Foundation for Technical School Support (FAETEC) is a public institution in Rio de Janeiro, that offers high school, higher and professional technical education linked to the State Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation (SECTI). Created on June 10, 1997 by the governor Marcelo Alencar. It gathers 140 units, serving about 300 thousand students annually. Its socio-educational offerings are part of the technical education integrated to secondary education with a range of differentiated courses.
In 2013 I participated in the selection process (which had a concorrence list of more than 50 candidates per vacancy) to study buildings in the Ferreira Viana State Technical School in 2014, and, with the note that I obtained through the objective test, I was classified and approved.
Honorable Mention at the Brazilian Mathematical Olympiad of the Public Schools
Each year, a mandatory test is applied in all municipal schools in Brazil. This test is called the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad of the Public Schools (OBMEP).
This is an olympiad divided into two parts, the first is an objective classification test (which I've done in Georg Pfisterer Municipality School as well as all students from each municipality in Brazil) and the second in an objective test for awards. After do the first stage and being classified for the second, I was awarded a honorable mention in 2011.